1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Cristiana Budileanu
Copyright and architectural works
Marius Stanciu
A pixelated image of copyright infringement in the use of artificial intelligence
Nicoleta-Elena Hegheş
Unauthorized reproduction of computer programs on computing systems
Nicoleta Rodica Dominte
Creativity and aesthetic value in the field of designs and models
Sonia Florea
Aspects regarding the protection of trade secrets by Emergency Ordinance no. 25/2019
Alin Speriusi-Vlad
Intellectual creation between intangible work, intangible good and the rights over it
George-Mihai Irimescu
Trademark protection of works (or what happens when trademarks „attack” the public domain)
Bogdan Bularda, Elena Grecu
Color brands
Aurelian Gabriel Uluitu
Theoretical and practical aspects related to intellectual property rights arising from the execution of the individual employment contract
2. National jurisprudence
Brand. Distinctiveness. Similarity. Existence of the risk of confusion
(Selection, processing and comment of PhD. Lecturer Ciprian Raul Romițan)