The peer-review process
 of the materials sent for publication in the 
Romanian Journal of Intellectual Property Law

The Materials sent for publication follow an anonymous and impartial selection process which takes place in a maximum period of 30 days from the receipt thereof. The authors will receive one of the following answers: the article is accepted, the article is accepted with some modifications, the article is rejected.

During the evaluation of the materials submitted to the editorial board, the 2 independent reviewers, specifically designated from within the scientific Council, depending on the field of scientific competence, and unrelated to the same institution as the authors, will mainly take into consideration, the following criteria:

- whether the subject of the article corresponds to the field of intellectual property law;
- whether the work has been published in other papers or other media;
- whether the work complies with the conditions of publication developed by the Scientific and Editorial Board;
- whether  the work contains a summary containing sufficient information for readers to judge the outcome and conclusions of the research and 4-6 keywords that comprise the essence of the work, translated into an internationally used language (English or French);
- whether the work has original scientific contributions of the author / authors and do not contain wrong data and misinformation. It will also track the quality of writing and expression;
- whether the legislation in question is in force and is repealed;
- whether the bibliographic references are mentioned appropriately in the footnotes;
- whether the specific literature is  cited as directed;
- whether the work meets scientific standards accepted by the Scientific Council;
- whether the work is topical and can contribute to the development of doctrine on the matter;
- whether the  work is accompanied by the author / authors information  (scientific title, academic degree, the actual workplace, mailing address (postal and e-mail) and telephone number.

If the manuscripts are improperly written they will be returned to the author / authors before any evaluation / assessment of their content.

After this initial evaluation, all materials, except for those regarding legal practice will be assessed by at least two reviewers, specifically designated by the Scientific Council, depending on their area of scientific competence, which don’t know the name of the author / authors and of the item / items.

Depending on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editorial board will decide on the rejection, acceptance or the return of the manuscript with comments / suggestions for amendments. In the latter case, the manuscript will be reassessed by another reviewer of the Scientific Council.

After accepting the manuscript with the request for amendments, the author will be invited to submit a revised version incorporating the changes made. If the author does not carry out all the changes, he will attach a note to explain why.

Articles deemed inappropriate will be returned to the authors by the secretary general of the editorship with explanations.

Conclusion: Following evaluation in the peer review system of the materials submitted for publication, the editorial board of the journal will consult on the comments / suggestions references and changes made by the author / authors and will decide which articles will be published in the current number of journal or be postponed to a future release times are rejected for publication.

