Paul George Buta*


This paper analyzes the amendments brought by Romanian Government Ordinance no. 12 of 2014 to the Law for the repression of unfair competition no. 11 of 1991 as well as the links created and severed between the 1991 law and other normative provisions, the most relevant of which has become the Competition Law no. 21 of 1996. While the analysis is mostly focused on the changes made and effects thereof on the overall system for the combating of unfair competition in Romania, some considerations pertaining to the constitutionality of the Ordinance are also made. Moreover the paper takes into account the most recent legislative developments surrounding the Parliamentary debate concerning the adoption of a bill for a Law to approve the Ordinance and amendments proposed therein.


* Asistent univ. dr., avocat SCA „Mușat și Asociații” București.