Ciprian Raul Romiţan*


In the second part of the study "From the clay books to the digital books", the author summarizes the conditions that encouraged the birth of the privileges, the censorship  stablishment and the made up of the legal deposit. Also, the author makes some short analysis regarding the grant and the administration of the privileges in the next period after the invention of the printing press, the setting up of the censorship in the faded Europe and Romanian lands (in Transylvania, Moldova and Ţara Românească) and also the setup of the legal deposit in France and the Romanian territories. The study ends with the presentation of the present legal deposit regulations in Romania.

* Doctor în drept, avocat asociat SCA „Roş şi asociaţii”, redactor şef al Revistei române de dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
