The approaching of the Great Union centennial may be a reason for assessing what consequences the political acts that were internationally established by the Paris Peace Conference of 1919‑1920 had upon the Romanian legislation. If some regulations were clearly and directly determined by the Union, even though they were adopted long after the event, I tried to ponder over the extent in which the intellectual property legislation was influenced by it. A careful research of the premises and the elaboration of Law
no. 126/1923 on literary and artistic property, the only normative act in the field of intellectual property law generated at a time that can be put into the Union’s ranks, shows that, although there is no connection between its adoption and the political acts, it contributed directly to the unification of the Romanian legislation in the matter, being essentially a provision of the Constitution of 1923, which was, however, a direct consequence of the Romanian State unity.
** Conf. univ. dr. Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir” Bucureşti, Facultatea de Drept din Cluj‑Napoca, avocat, e‑mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..