1. Doctrine, studies, comments

Viorel Roş
Andreea Livadariu
The controversial issue of the protection of ideas in Romanian law

Gheorghe Gheorghiu
The right of public communication of works

Bujorel Florea
Reflections on plagiarism (II)

Paul George Buta
On the limitations and exceptions to copyright. After 10 years

Nicoleta-Elena Buzatu
Mediation in the case of intellectual property conflicts

Alin Speriusi-Vlad
Patrimonial effects of moral rights in the field of intellectual property

Ciprian Raul Romiţan
From clay books to digital books (I)

Ramona Dumitraşcu
Computer programs: history and definition

Ana Maria Marinescu
Phases of research in the field of intellectual property

George Mihai Irimescu
Protection of works titles from the perspective of copyright protection and trademark protection

Nicoleta Rodica Dominte
Some considerations on the Unified Patent Court

2. The activity of collective management bodies
• Interview with Ms. Irina Mihaela Chender, General Director of UPFAR – ARGOA

3. Scientific events in the field of intellectual property law
• Conference on the rights of film and audiovisual producers in Romania, organized by UPFAR ARGOA in collaboration with ORDA and ASDPI (Scientific Intellectual Property Law Association), Sinaia, 29 30 March 2017 220
• Sub regional Seminar “Teaching Intellectual Property for the Youth”, organized by WIPO, ORDA and OSIM (State Office for Inventions and Trademarks), in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, Romanian Union of Film and Audiovisual Producers/Patronage of Producer Companies in Cinematography and Television (UPFAR PSPCT), Scientific Intellectual Property Law Association (ASDPI), “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest   Doctoral School and Romanian American University in Bucharest

4. Promotion (P)
- CREDIDAM   The Romanian Center for Performer’s Rights Management
- UPFAR ARGOA   Romanian Union of Film and Audiovisual Producers   Romanian Association for Collective Management of Audiovisual Works

