Bujorel Florea*


The author starts from the finding that the works treating the issue of plagiarism fail, to a significant extent, to draw the attention of plagiarists and, in particular, to correct their behavior in terms of intellectual creation. Having analyzed the causes of this situation, the author has reached the conclusion that these fall within the scope of the specialties of the authors of books on plagiarism and of the content treated by the works on plagiarism. More precisely, the author of this articles believes that the treatment of this issue by jurists only and, therefore, only from the legal perspective, would not be the most appropriate solution and that this issue should be examined, with specific arguments, in particular by specialists of other intellectual spheres than the legal one. At the same time, the author of this article considers that a work on plagiarism should contain certain basic ideas in order to be able to raise the interest of the general public and specialists. Therefore, this article intends to propose a minimum number of ideas that should be found in the content of any work that treats the issue of plagiarism.


* Conf. univ. dr. la Facultatea de Ştiinţe Juridice, Politice şi Administrative Bucureşti a Universităţii „Spiru Haret”, avocat Baroul Bucureşti, e‑mail:floreabujorel@ yahoo.com.



