1. Legal theory, studies, comments

Edmond Gabriel Olteanu

Mediation and determination of methodologies for collectively managed copyright

Ana Maria Marinescu

Functional systems regarding the public lending right

Viorel Roş, Ciprian Raul Romiţan

Patents. Creation, use, legal nature and functions

Teodor Bodoaşcă; Andrei Murgu; Lucian Tarnu

Opinions on the trademark infringement offense

Nicoleta Elena Hegheş

Impact of counterfeiting in the tyres and batteries sector

2. Review

Florea Bujorel, Reflections on plagiarism, Hamangiu Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018, 241p., review by Prof. Nicoleta Elena Hegheş, Ph.D.

3. Case‑law

Absolute reasons of refusal of trademark registration. Legislation evolution for the condition of trademark graphical representation. Relevant case‑law (Andreea Livadariu)

Can the taste of a food product be protected by copyright?, Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 13 November 2018, in case C‑310/17

Compensation in the case of file sharing in breach of copyright. Internet connection accessible to the members of the holder’s family. Exoneration from liability of the holder, without the need to specify the nature of the connection use by the family member, Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 18 October 2018, in case C‑149/17

4. Promotion (P)

 ‑ CREDIDAM – the Romanian Centre for the Administration of Rights of  Performing Artists

‑ UPFAR‑ARGOA – the Union of Film and Audiovisual Producers in Romania – the Romanian Association for the Management of Audiovisual Works
