1. Doctrine, Studies, Remarks

Gheorghe Gheorghiu

Examining the Originality of Disputed Works

Bujorel Florea

Aspects Regarding Orphan Works in the Current Regulation

Teodor Bodoaşcă, Lucian Tarnu

General Aspects Regarding the Collective Management of Patrimonial Copyright and Related Rights

Maria-Luisa Creaţă, Ana-Maria Marinescu

The Notion of Remuneration as Defined under Law No. 8/1996 on Copyright and Related Rights

Paul George Buta

Copyright-Related Disputes Brought Before the World Trade Organization

Vasile Soltan

Payment of Reasonable Royalty as Compensation in the Case of Copyright Infringement        

Ramona Daniela Stângaciu

Unitary Effect Patent Pursuant to Regulation No. 1257/2012

Alin Todirică

Registration Drawbacks. On Trade Mark Renewal

Andreea Livadariu

A Retrospective of ECJ’s Trademark Case-Law of 2018


2. European Case-Law

European Union Trade Mark. Application for the Registration of a Figurative EU Mark Representing a Heart. Absolute Reason for Refusal. Lack of Distinctive Character. Article 7(1)(b) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 (Tribunal Decision, Room Nine, Case T-123 of 14 February 2019)


3. National Case-Law

Phonograms. Notion. Invoking the Infringement of the Phonogram Producers’ Rights through the Sale of Audio Recordings for Mobile Phones. Conditions (High Court of Cassation and Justice, 1st Civil Division, Decision No. 1849 of 16 May 2018)

Action in Annulment. Conflict between the Mark and a Protected Geographical Indication with a Prior Protection Date. Product of the Same Type (High Court of Cassation and Justice, 1st Civil Division, Decision No. 1086 of 27 March 2018)

Action in Annulment of a Mark. The Notion of „Earlier Mark” (High Court of Cassation and Justice, 1st Civil Division, Decision No. 1069 of 23 March 2018)


4. Promotion (P)

– CREDIDAM – Romanian Centre for the Administration of Rights of Performing Artists  

