1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Andreea Livadariu
Analysis of the impact of the Copyright Directive in the digital unique market on mass-media and online content aggregators
Andra-Maria Drăgan
Originality, fundamental condition for copyright protection
Ramona Dumitraşcu
The beginnings of software protection in the comparative law Japan (I)
Ana Maria Marinescu
Cases of plagiarism in music
Nicoleta-Elena Hegheş, Adrian Cristian Moise
Brief considerations on the performance of computer search in case of the offense of unauthorized reproduction on computer systems of software
Gheorghe Gheorghiu
New regulation of know-how and trade secrets
Alexandru Teodorescu
Issues on the constitutionality of the institution of patent re-validation
Ioana Chiriţă
Analytical reflections on researching the EU trademarks priorities
2. European Case-Law
3. National Case-Law
4. Collective management organizations