Viorel Roş
Happy Birthday Ladies! Happy Birthday to our dear creators!

1. Doctrine, studies, commentaries

Teodor Bodoaşcă
Opinions regarding the author, the subject and the copyright holder, as well as the user in the regulation of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights

Gheorghe Gheorghiu
The theory of art unity. Perspectives

Ioana Vasiu, Lucian Vasiu
The initial subject of copyright in the case of computer programs created by employees

Yarina Laufer
Comparative law study on the conditions of admissibility of provisional measures in the field of intellectual property in Romanian and English law

Cristiana Budileanu
Copyright in the digital age. A perspective on common licenses („Creative Commons”)

Alisa Valeria Toma
Originality – the cornerstone of copyright

Ana-Maria Marinescu
The obligations of the collective management organizations according to the provisions of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights

Adrian Cristian Moise
General methodological framework regarding the investigation of offences in the field of copyright and related rights

2. C.J.U.E. Case law

Applicant’s bad faith. Lack of intention to use the trademark for the products or services covered by the registration. Total or partial invalidity of the trademark (Selection and processing by PhD. candidate Lawyer Andreea Livadariu)

Unauthorized modification of the source code of a software by the beneficiary of a license, in violation of the license agreement. Counterfeit action by the software author against the beneficiary of a license (Selection and processing by University lecturer Phd. Ciprian Raul Romiţan)

3. Promotion (P)

CREDIDAM – Romanian Center for Performers’ Rights Management

UPFAR ARGOA – Romanian Union of Film and Audiovisual Producers – Romanian Association for Collective Management of Audiovisual Works
