1. Doctrine, studies, comments

Ciprian Raul Romiţan
The need of the prior consent for the reproduction of a person’s image

Veronica Constantinescu
Potential subjects of the copyright over works of art

Anca-Viorica Bogdan
Aspects regarding the remunerations due to authors and holders of copyright or related rights

Teodor Bodoaşcă, Tiberiu Giurea
Aspects regarding the legal regime of the complaint against the decisions of the review board, the withdrawal and nullity of the patent as regulated under the Law no. 64/1991 on patents

Bujorel Florea
Scientific conference attendance – between quantity and quality

Cristiana Budileanu
The reform of the Romanian mark law

Ion Ţîgănaş
Legal measures against the infringement of the intellectual property right in the online environment (case study: Republic of Moldova)

2. CJUE Case-law

Droit de suite. Value Added Tax (VAT). Administrative practice consisting of the obligation to pay VAT for the remuneration due pursuant to the droit de suite of the author of an original work of art (Selection and processing by Nicoleta Elena Buzatu, Prof. PhD)

Collective management body. The notion of „onerous services”. The payment of royalty in favor of the copyright and related right collective management bodies as equitable indemnity. The holders of the reproduction rights to not provide services in the meaning of the VAT Directive (Selection and processing by Liliana Mariana Savu, PhD – Bucharest Bar attorney)

TUE. T-564/19, Lozano Arana et al. /EUIPO – Coltejer SA. EU word mark LIBERTADOR. Loss of the title over the mark. Right to be heard. Failure to produce proof of genuine use of the mark (translation from French and summary by Andreea Livădariu, PhD student – SCA „Roş şi asociaţii” associate attorney)

3. Internal case-law

Action for infringement. Conflict between the mark and the trade name. Risk of confusion (Selection and processing by Nicoleta Elena Hegheş, Prof., PhD)

Mark. The existence of ill-faith. Cancellation of the registered mark (Selection and processing by Alisa Valeria Toma, PhD)

4. Promotion (P)

CREDIDAM – Romanian Center for Performers' Rights Management

UPFAR-ARGOA – Union of Film and Audiovisual Producers of Romania – Romanian Association for the Management of Audiovisual Works
