1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Nicoleta Rodica Dominte
A brief review of the originality of monochromatic works

Cristiana Budileanu
The role of ideas in the elaboration of PhD thesis and the legal regime of ideas, as regulated by Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights and by Law no. 206/2004 on the good conduct in scientific research, technological development and innovation

Gheorghe Gheorghiu
The regime of the commissioning contract

Viorel Roş, Andreea Livadăriu
The protection of new plant varieties (II). The protection system and the basic requirements for the protection of new plant varieties

Nicoleta Elena Hegheş, Cristina Gabriela Şchiopu
The threat of counterfeit medical-sanitary products in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

George Mihai Irimescu
Classification of Nice: evolutions and interpretation

2. Review
Nicoleta Rodica Dominte, Intellectual Property Right. Legal protection, Solomon Printing House, Bucharest, 2021, 344 pages (Review by university lecturer Ciprian Raul Romiţan, PhD, chief editor of the Romanian Intellectual Property Magazine)

3. European Case-law
CJUE. C-392/19. Reference for a preliminary ruling – Intellectual property – Copyright and related rights in the information society – Directive 2001/29/EC – Article 3(1) – Concept of communication to the public – Embedding, in a third parti's website, of a copyright-protected work by means of the process of framing

TUE. T-105/19. Louis Vuitton Malletier vs. EUIPO. Figurative mark representing a chequerboard pattern (specific pattern used on Louis Vuitton bags and wallets). Well-known facts. Distinctive character acquired through use (Translation and summary by Ruxandra Vişoiu)

TUE. T-644/19.Linde Material Handling v EUIPO - Verti Aseguradora (VertiLight). EU trademark. Opposition proceedings. Earlier national word mark VERTI. Relative ground for refusal. No damage to reputation. No link between the marks at issue (translation and summary by PhD student Andreea Livădariu)

TUE. T-663/19. Hasbro v EUIPO - Kreativni Dogadaji (MONOPOLY). EU trade mark. Invalidity proceedings. EU word mark MONOPOLY. Bad faith in the registration of a EU mark (selection and summary by Andreea Livădariu, PhD student)

4. Collective management bodies
CREDIDAM – Romanian Center for the Management of Performing Artists’ Rigths
