1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Viorel Roş
The Basis of the International Copyright Law. The Role of the International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) in the Adoption of the Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Property
Ruxandra Vişoiu
NFTs or non-fungible tokens: a new type of digital art and their legal implications
Ana-Maria Marinescu
Non-fungible tokens and generative art
Oana Mihăilă
The „issue” of digitalization in the attempt to protect intellectual property rights
Alin Speriusi-Vlad
On the provisional measures in the field of intellectual property, from general to particular (II)
Rebeca Georgia Dunca
From the backstage of the battle: Intellectual property versus COVID-19
Cristiana Budileanu
The collision between domain name and geographical indication. An overview of the cases “Champagne” and “Gorgonzola”
2. European case-law
The use of phonograms in the European Union (a review by Associate Professor Gheorghe Gheorghiu, PhD)
3. Collective Management Organizations
CREDIDAM – Romanian Center for Performers’ Rights Management