1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Andreea Livădariu, Floriana Chițeanu
Ramona ALAI Congress 14-16 September 2022 – „Copyright, Neighbouring and Special Rights. State of affairs and further outlook”. Chronicle of the event
Ciprian Raul Romițan
160 years of copyright in Romania
Gheorghe Gheorghiu, Nicoleta Enache
Legal regime for dematerialized works provided by online download
Ruxandra Vișoiu
Regulation of moral copyright in the European Union
Anca Buta Mușat
Music sampling – between artistic freedom and copyright infringement
Rebecca-Georgia Dunca
Blockchain & Copyright – a revolution in creativity
Ramona Dumitrașcu
New trends in appreciation of the inventive step. Case Ficep Corporation vs. Peddinghaus Corporation
Nicoleta Boboc
Work and its material carrier. A look at software (licensing)
Mihaela Tudorache
Legal obligations of collective management organizations towards users introduced by Law 69/2022
Andreea Livădariu
The test of likelihood of confusion in the case-law of the General Court and of the Court of Justice of the European Union
2. European case-law
Interpretation of the concept of work. Reproduction and distribution rights. Can the taste of a food product be qualified as „work”?
(Selection and processing by univ. lecturer PhD. Ciprian Raul Romițan)