George-Mihai Irimescu**
Although Artificial Intelligence does not represent a new concept, it seems that only in the recent years it started to have a massive impact on people’s lives, including on their economic behavior. As a consequence, Artificial Intelligence has taken by storm the world of Intellectual Property. While its advantages and disadvantages are still not clearly defined and its benefits and threats are still being debated, the presence and influence of Artificial Intelligence can no longer be disregarded. In this context, its intersection with intellectual property rights, including with aspects concerning trademark protection, is inevitable. Artificial Intelligence became a very useful tool for intellectual property offices, being mainly used to create an interface with users, especially with trademark owners and trademark applicants, to assist them in online filings and also in connection to examination proceedings. However, although Artificial Intelligence came more to the aid of applicants, it became more and more helpful to examiners as well. More importantly, Artificial Intelligence changed the consumers’ buying habits, and this aspect puts the classical trademark role and functions into a new perspective. This being said, the present paper aims to find which are the evolutions (or possible evolutions) in connection to trademark protection and practice of intellectual property offices brought by the presence of Artificial Intelligence tools, both from the perspective of the national offices and from the point of view of consumers.
* Acest articol a fost anterior prezentat, în limba engleză, în cadrul Conferinței Internaționale „Challenges of the Knowledge Society”, care a avut loc la București, 19 mai 2023 și publicat în limba engleză în volumul conferinței menționate.
** Doctorand al Universității Nicolae Titulescu din București, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;