Ramona Dumitraşcu*

AI is ready to be a technology with a critical impact, and its development shall be profoundly affected by the social reality and the legal regulation. The main corporate developers of AI are still looking for an intellectual property strategy dynamic enough to enable them to respond to the competitive environment. The governments are also seeking to shape the intellectual property systems which stimulate innovation around the AI, while protecting their interests in national security, in the shaping of competition and in the cooperation with prominent AI companies and national governments. We are searching for a better understanding of the aims and strategies of the actors seeking protection in the intellectual property field and of the way these strategies have direct implications on the dynamics between the AI developers. Also, the pro-social implications of intellectual property regimentation concerning the AI ethics and safety and, more broadly, the proper management of the AI in the future, are of interest.

* Doctor în drept, avocat Baroul București, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
