Teodor Bodoaşcă**
The analysis of the Romanian legal literature in the field of the legal protection of intellectual creation reveals the fact that the in-depths scientific concern concerning the legal issue of employee inventions are sporadic. Usually, within the scientific works, their regime is briefly presented in the context of the approaches to the classification of inventions. This has been the main reason leading to the elaboration of a study in which to tackle important aspects concerning the legal regime of employee inventions under the regulation of Law no. 83/2014. Specifically, we considered mostly the extrinsic conditions of the employee inventions, the rights over them and the rights of the employee inventor. Not lastly, we signalled the existence of quite a large number of rules insufficiently processed from a logical and legal point of view and we grounded de lege ferenda propositions for their appropriate amendment.
* Studiul a mai fost publicat în Ciprian Raul Romițan, Paul George Buta (editori coordonatori), IN HONOREM – VIOREL ROȘ, Studii de drept privat și public, Editura Hamangiu, București, 2021, pp. 455-483.
** Prof. univ. dr., Universitatea „Dimitrie Cantemir” din Târgu Mureș – Facultatea de drept, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.