1. Doctrine, studies, comments
Oana Mihăilă
Artistic creations. Originality, inspiration, imitation and artificial intelligence
Paul George Buta
A few preliminary considerations on infringement of copyright by artificial intelligence
Ruxandra Vișoiu
Artificial intelligence and moral rights
Ciprian Raul Romițan
Author’s right to decide whether, how and when the work is to be brought to public knowledge
Cristiana Budileanu
Cultural heritage and its protection as a continuation of intellectual property rights
Viorel Roș, Andreea Livădariu
Public order and good morality in trade mark law
George-Mihai Irimescu
Artificial intelligence and trade mark protection
2. European case-law
CJEU, Judgment on the obligation to pay royalties for the provision on board of trains of installations which may be used for the communication to the public of musical works
(Selection and processing by Nicoleta Elena Hegheș)
3. National case law
Trademark. Action for annulment. Criteria for analyzing the deceptiveness of the registered sign
(Selection and processing by Alisa Valeria Toma)