Vasile Nemeş, Gabriela Fierbinţeanu
Copyright in the information society or Who fears data access?
Mihai Adrian Hotca
Some considerations on artificial intelligence
Gheorghe Gheorghiu
Legal protection of traditional cultural expressions
Ana-Maria Marinescu
The complexity of the right of communication to the public
Ciprian Raul Romițan
One hundred and forty years since the adoption of the Paris Convention of 1883 – a “MAGNA CARTA” for the protection of industrial property
Teodor Bodoaşcă
Aspects pertaining to the legal regime of service inventions
Adrian Circa
The protection of perfume and intellectual property right
Andreea Livădariu
The derogatory legal regime of the reputed mark, as an exception from the application of the principle of specialty of the mark
Nicoleta Rodica Dominte, Corina-Oana Mazilu
The dilemma of choice: the mark or the tradename