Viorel Roş*
Ciprian Romiţan**
Andreea Livădariu


The playwright, the poet, the novelist, the publicist, the psychologist (being a scholar without higher education in all of these areas) Caragiale did not copy anyone. He was unique, had an inimitable style of his own regarding everything he wrote and did in his life and he put his stamp on that era with his personal way of being and writing. With his brilliant intelligence, with the gift for imagining characters and creating dialogue which inspired laughter, even though the world they were depicting was deplorable (how actual is the national playwright ?!), with the knowledge of words and public speaking, and with the sarcasm which he bestowed on the bad deeds of others (though he was oblivious to his own, but I wonder: had he seen them, what would have become of his work?) with his bohemian attitude, with his guilty love affaires which he used to trampled on both acquaintances and strangers, with his sharp tongue which he often used to annihilate those he did not like (and there were many whom he did not like and certainly even more who did not like him.) Dominating his contemporaries like Socrates, he was akin to the philosopher, flattered and hated at the same time.

* Profesor universitar dr. Universitatea „Nicolae Titulescu”, Facultatea de drept; avocat coordonator SCA „Roş şi Asociaţii; E-mail: viorelros@asdpi.r
** Lector univ. dr. Universitatea „Româno-Americană”, Facultatea de drept, avocat partener SCA „Roş şi asociaţii; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
*** Asistent univ. drd. Universităţii Nicolae Titulescu, avocat SCA Roş şi asociaţii, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

