Ciprian Raul Romițan*

April 13, 2022 marked the 160th anniversary of the adoption in 1862, during the reign of Cuza Voda, of the Press Law, the first normative act that regulated the rights of authors of literary and artistic works in Romania. The law, considered to be a „compilation” of the French law of 1793, recognized the right of writers, composers of music and creators of artistic works to enjoy „as property”, throughout their lives, the right to reproduce, sell or transfer their works. At the same time, the law also required Romanian and foreign authors or the assignees of their rights to deposit a number of copies of the work at the Ministry of Public Instruction, at the Prefectures and at the Library of
Iasi, deposits that were required to establish the authors' right of property. This first normative act which regulated for the first time, in Romania, the rights of authors of literary and artistic works was in force for almost 51 years, being repealed following the promulgation, on 15 June 1923, of the Law on Literary and Artistic Property.

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* Lect. univ. dr., Universitatea „Româno-Americană” – Facultatea de Drept,
vicepreședinte al Asociației ALAI România și al Asociației Științifice de Dreptul Proprietății
Intelectuale, avocat partener al SCA „Roș și Asociații”, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
