Ciprian Raul Romiţan*
Geographical indications, along with factory marks, trademark or service mark, brand and commercial logo, belong to the category of distinctive signs of the trade activity, which forms, together with the category of technical or aesthetic new creations related to industrial products, one of the two great branches of intellectual property, namely industrial property.
The study describes the registration procedure for geographical indications and designations of origin in the European Union system (national exam also in the European Commission), and the registration of geographical indications with OSIM (Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks). The study also presents a series of statistical data at EU level concerning protected geographical indications, protected designations of origin and traditional specialties guaranteed.
* Doctor în drept, avocat asociat SCPA „Roş şi asociaţii” Bucureşti; E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
Teodor Bodoaşcă**
Lucian-Ioan Tarnu***
In the Romanian legislation, but also in the international one, some of the legal expressions are used in a manner that is likely to determine different interpretations regarding the legal protection of some categories of „intellectual creations” or of some „rights”, born from these. We envisage, for example, the terms intellectual „creation”, „intellectual property right”, „industrial property right” and „copyright”. In line with the regulatory requirements of legislative technique for drafting laws, the suggested communication is intended as a contribution to the foundation of lege ferenda proposals which may constitute solutions within a potential legislative intervention on the issue. Also, we hope that the presented views will provide grounds to trigger an appropriate scientific debate in this respect in the doctrine.
* În acelaşi sens, a se vedea T. Bodoaşcă, L.-I. Tarnu, Dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale, ed. a III-a, revizuită şi adăugită, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureşti, 2015, p. 11 şi urm.
** Prof. univ. dr. Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea „Dimitrie Cantemir” din Târgu-Mureş, E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
*** Lector univ. dr., Facultatea de Inginerie din cadrul Universităţii ,,Lucian Blaga” Sibiu.
Andrei Pap**
The Romanian Act no. 8/1996 regarding copyrights and related rights incriminates certain facts which are punishable as contraventions and some acts that are incriminated strictly as a crime, but if you carefully go through all the legal texts, you notice a standard formulation like "a fact is punishable as contravention, if it does not represent a crime "explanation which is not unimportant, but rather major relevance both the theoretical and practical issue which we will try to clarify immediately.
* Lucrarea a mai fost prezentată pe site-ul
** Avocat în cadrul SVS PARTNERS, E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
Andreea Ţigău*
If a patent gives its holder an exclusive right over the products or procedures it protects and if a standard is a document that sets out requirements for everybody to follow in order to properly obtain a certain result, a standard essential patent may only be a peculiar and complex concept. Thus, a standard essential patent (SEP) is a patent that protects a product or more often a procedure that is essential to a standard, in the way that it is impossible to manufacture standard-compliat products such as smartphones, tablets and other gadgets without using technology covered by SEPs.
To alleviate any competition concerns and to ensure that the benefits of standardization are promulgated, SEP holders are required to commit to licensing their SEPs on FRAND (fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory) terms, a condition that aims to ensure that the technology incorporated in a standard is accessible to the standard users and that the SEP holders are financially rewarded.
* Avocat partener SCA “GRECU&ASOCIAŢII”, E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Ana-Maria Marinescu**
The Directive 2014/26/EU on collective rights management and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses aims at ensuring that rights holders have a say in the management of their rights and envisages a better functioning of the collective management organizations in the EU. The transposition term into national law was 10 April 2016.
Romania managed to draft a proposal for amending and completing the Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, after a first proposal drafted by the Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA). The actual proposal was drafted by the Ministry of Culture after the consultations of the collective management organizations.
The article will analyze in a detailed manner the proposal for amending and completing Law no. 8/1996 regarding all its aspects and especially the dispositions on the collective management of rights, works and other protected objects.
* Lucrare prezentată în cadrul „Conferinţei internaţionale bienale” a Facultăţii de drept din cadrul Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara, secţiunea de Dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale, organizată în colaborare cu ASDPI şi RRDPI, Timişoara, 28-29 octombrie 2016.
** Drd., Director General Societatea Autorilor şi Editorilor Români de Opere Ştiinţifice - PERGAM, E-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.. Asociaţia „Societatea Autorilor şi Editorilor Români de Opere Ştiinţifice-PERGAM” este persoană juridică română de drept privat, autonomă, neguvernamentală, apolitică şi fără scop patrimonial şi îşi desfăşoară activitatea potrivit legislaţiei din România (Legea nr. 8/1996 privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe, cu completările şi modificările ulterioare şi a Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 26/2000, privind asociaţiile si fundaţiile, modificată şi completată cu Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 37/2003) şi statutului. Prin Decizia nr. 98/2009 a Directorului general al ORDA, publicată în M. Of. nr. 579 din 20 august 2009, PERGAM a fost avizată şi funcţionează ca organism de gestiune colectivă a drepturilor de autor ale autorilor şi editorilor români de opere ştiinţifice.
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